Noise Free


Our Mission

Converting human body vibration into useful information Contributing safe and effective working environments healty life

Intus is a spin-off company from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
By synergizing baseline technologies of POSTECH and Intus' commercialization capability we innovate the wearable device sector

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Corporate Identity

The symbol of Intus represents an open door and visualize the latin word meaning inside. It embodies technological innovation that converts signals inside the human body into useful information and the image of an open company.

  • #Inner
  • #Communication


Utilizing signal conditioning algorithms that mimic human articulators and AI technologies we reconstruct human voice signal from vocal vord vibrations without any ambient noise. Without any effect under severe noise environments, voice signal can be clearly delivered.

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In most communication devices, ambient noise is transferred with voice signal. When wearing masks, general communication devices cannot capture the voice signal clearly. Our communication wearable delivers clear voice information regardless of noise environments.

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